- Why Am I Still Depressed? Recognizing and Managing the Ups and Downs of Bipolar II and Soft Bipolar Disorder by Jim Phelps
If your depression keeps coming back or is even getting worse, then you may be suffering from bipolar II or “soft” bipolar disorder. Commonly misdiagnosed, these mood disorders are characterized by recurring bouts of depression along with anxiety, irritability, mood swings, sleep problems, or intrusive thoughts.
Why Am I Still Depressed? shows you how to identify if you have a nonmanic form of bipolar disorder and how to work with your doctor to safely and effectively treat it.
Understand the Mood Spectrum, a powerful new tool for diagnosis
Know all your treatment options, including mood-stabilizing medications and
research-tested psychotherapies
Examine the potential hazards of taking antidepressant medications
Manage your condition with exercise and lifestyle changes
Help family and friends with this condition understand their
diagnosis and find treatment
- Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care about Has Borderline Personality Disorder by Paul T. Mason and Randi Kreger *FOR NON-BPs*
A self-help guide that helps the family members and friends of individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) understand this self-destructive disorder and learn what they can do to cope with it and take care of themselves. It is designed to help them understand how the disorder affects their loved ones and recognize what they can do to get off the emotional roller coasters and take care of themselves. Paul T. Mason, M.S., C.P.C., is a program manager of Child/Adolescent Services at St. Luke's Hospital and a psychotherapist in private practice at Psychiatric Services in Racine, Wisconsin. His research on borderline personality disorder ("BPD") has appeared in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, and he teaches seminars for mental health professionals on the effects of BPD on partners and family members.
Randi Kreger is a professional writer and an executive in public relations and marketing. She has collected more than 1,000 stories detailing the devastating experiences of people in close relationship with persons suffering from BPD ("BP's"). Kreger moderates two e-mail discussion groups for friends and family of BP's on her comprehensive Web site about BPD.
Mason and Kreger's carefully written, highly readable book provides a brilliant analysis of a disorder that wreaks enormous havoc. In addition to clarifying what BPD is, they provide crucial survival techniques for those who wish to stay in relationship with the BP's they love.
- Crazy: A Father's Search Through America's Mental Health Madness by Pete Earley
Suffering delusions from bipolar disorder, Mike Earley broke into a stranger's home to take a bubble bath and significantly damaged the premises. That Mike's act was viewed as a crime rather than a psychotic episode spurred his father, veteran journalist Pete Earley (Family of Spies), to investigate the "criminalization of the mentally ill." Earley gains access to the Miami-Dade County jail where guards admit that they routinely beat prisoners. He learns that Deidra Sanbourne, whose 1988 deinstitutionalization was a landmark civil rights case, died after being neglected in a boarding house. A public defender describes how he—not always happily—helps mentally ill clients avoid hospitalization. Throughout this grim work, Earley uneasily straddles the line between father and journalist. He compromises his objectivity when for most of his son's ordeal—Mike gets probation—he refuses to entertain the possibility that the terrified woman whose home Mike trashed also is a victim. And when, torn between opposing obligations, he decides not to reveal to a source's mother that her daughter has gone off her medications, he endangers the daughter's life and betrays her mother. Although this is mostly a sprawling retread of more significant work by psychologist Fuller Torrey and others, parents of the mentally ill should find solace and food for thought in its pages.
My review: Crazy starts out like a personal memoir of one parent’s struggle to gain control over the illness that has taken over his son and landed him in a lot of trouble. As one critic put it, it was a book that Earley did not expect to write. However, armed with the investigatory skills and journalism background, once his son Mike is diagnosed with bipolar disorder and charged for a misdemeanor he committed while completely delusional, Earley sets out to discover why both the medical and the judicial systems have failed his family. Then he finds out that his family has it really good; by comparison there are thousands of people that are crammed into our jails each year, jails that are posing as the new asylums, now that mental institutions have been deemed inhumane. Wait until you see the conditions in these jails- conditions are so despicable that, controversially, Earley campaigns for mental hospitals to be reinstated!
By interviewing several patients with different disorders and mental illnesses, Earley campaigns for these people in a way that screams to be heard. Unfortunately, those who have in the past tried to give the mentally ill “rights” have condemned them to a life of what Earley calls the “revolving door”- into jail, down to the hospital to be made “competent” to stand trial. By the time their trial is finally scheduled, they have deteriorated mentally and must be send back to the hospital, and back in and out they go. Families cannot get their loved ones the help they need due to these misguided laws. There is no treatment ever involved.
Find this product at Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Crazy-Fathers-Through-Americas-Madness/dp/0425213897/ref=pd_bbs_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1209832071&sr=1-1
- Bipolar II: Enhance Your Highs, Boost Your Creativity, and Escape the Cycles of Recurrent Depression--The Essential Guide to Recognize and Treat the Mood Swings of This Increasingly Common Disorder by Ronald R. Fieve
- I Don't Want to Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression by Terrence Real
- Change Your Brain, Change Your Life: The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Anger, and Impulsiveness by Daniel G. Amen
Written by a psychiatrist and neuroscientist who has also authored a book on attention deficit disorder, Change Your Brain contains dozens of brain scans of patients with various neurological problems, from caffeine, nicotine, and heroin addiction to manic-depression to epilepsy. These scans, often showing large gaps in neurological activity or areas of extreme overactivity, are "downright frightening to look at, and Dr. Amen should know better than to resort to such scare tactics". But he should also be commended for advocating natural remedies, including deep breathing, guided imagery, meditation, self-hypnosis, and biofeedback for treating disorders that are so frequently dealt with by prescription only.
- The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine
- The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat: And Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks **MAINLY RECOMMENDED FOR PHSYSIO GEEKS** :-)
Find this product at Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Man-Who-Mistook-His-Wife/dp/0684853949/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1209833894&sr=1-1
***As I read more, this list will be sure to expand. I will post my recommendations often! Psychoeducation is one of the things that helps me the most, not to mention I find this all extremely interesting being a Psych Major and all :-)
****All reviews are content and property of Amazon.com unless otherwise noted by the words "My review".
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